A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

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A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

Well, the last two days have flown by, and no one has said a word on behalf of his Grace, so I will humbly speak on his behalf in my wholly inadequate fashion.

I have, last I looked today, 8 books written by him. He is often referred to as the "Father" of "Historical Theology" I believe. I may be wrong in this, but I do not think so. I may also be wrong in expressing what that phrase actually means, but I will clarify it based upon my limited understanding.

Theology is "muddy" at the best of times, and what can often clarify it, is looking back at history to explain what the founding Father's of the Church meant.

It is similar to what "originalists" on the Supreme Court mean to this day when looking for guidance in how to interpret it. They look at the letters and historical information to further explain what the Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution means.

It is the same with the Bible. Much can be confused if you only look at the Bible itself. Much can be revealed in what was actually intended to be said if you look at things from a historical perspective.

The left leaning mainstream media like CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, NYTIMES, etc. have wasted no time maligning him. Some say even good riddance.

I thought that this article summed up his accomplishments smartly. And if not for even those, his books spoke to me personally and greatly and many other Catholics, both
Eastern and Western. My only regret is that I did not send him some books to sign before he said he would no longer do so as he wanted to lead a simpler life. -Tutt
Pope Benedict XVI was a towering intellectual, something he shared with his predecessor, St. John Paul II.

His philosophical and theological writings will be studied for decades.

But it was his courage that endeared him to so many Catholics.

As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he served St. John Paul II as enforcer of the Church's doctrinal teachings. He did so with prudence and justice, setting an example for those who would come after him in this post.

In 2006, he sparked much controversy for his comments on Islam. In his address at Regensburg University, he said, "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Unfortunately, most of the media did not emphasize that he twice said, "I quote."

He was referring to a remark made by a 14th century Byzantine emperor.

In 2005, the day before Ratzinger assumed his duties as pontiff, he addressed the cardinals in Rome.

He spoke about the "doctrine of relativism," the popular and pernicious notion that there are no moral absolutes, and no moral hierarchy of virtues.

In the same historic Good Friday homily, he unloaded on abusive priests. "How much filth there is in the Church, even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to him!"

When historians look back at the Catholic Church's handling of the clergy sexual abuse scandal, they will note that neither Benedict's predecessor, St. John Paul II, nor his successor, Francis, did as much to stop it as he did.

His actions were as pivotal as were his words. He made it clear that men with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" should not become priests.

He was very aware of the "homosexual cliques" and the "homosexual subculture" within the Church.

It was his courageous comments on the scandal, caused largely by gay priests, that earned him the ire of secularists outside the Church and dissenters within.

Benedict may have been a theologian and philosopher by training, but he also had a keen sociological mind.

He understood better than anyone in the Church that it was the lack of faith on the part of molesting priests that accounted for their offenses.

Dissent in the Church fed their mentality. He also understood, as I recount in my book, "The Truth About Clergy Sexual Abuse: Clarifying the Facts and the Causes," the macro sociological forces that affected the Church, namely the sexual revolution.

It was Benedict who sanctioned the two most prominent predator priests, Father Marcial Maciel Degollado and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

He removed the Mexican serial abuser from ministry a year into his pontificate and he quickly accepted McCarrick's resignation when the cardinal turned 75.

Benedict's critics were often as inaccurate as they were unfair. Laurie Goodstein of The New York Times wrote in 2013 that Benedict never removed predators from the priesthood.

She was wrong.

All total, from 2005 to 2013, he defrocked some eight hundred molesting priests.

Benedict's critics called him "God's Rottweiler" for being too draconian in his sanctions against dissidents.

They were factually wrong. In his seven years as pope, he rarely called a dissenting priest on the carpet, though there were many candidates.

Indeed, no one's license to teach theology was pulled and no one was fired from teaching at a Catholic college or university because of Rome's intervention.

So if anything, dissidents got off easy. No matter, I am proud of the fact that The New York Times called me "Rottweiler's Rottweiler," a backhanded tribute to my strong defense of him.

Pope Benedict XVI was a selfless man, and his contributions to the Church, both in word and in deed, will be heralded for years to come.

May he rest in peace.
Dr. Bill Donohue is president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. A former Heritage Foundation Bradley Resident Scholar, he has authored several books on civil liberties, social issues and religion. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from New York University. Read Bill Donohue's Reports — More Here.
Last edited by CowboyTutt on Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

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Tutt, thank you for sharing the insights into Benedict's papacy. I know in my heart he rests in peace and glory even as we speak.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

As a Catholic (though I do not regularly attend the Catholic Church these days and I have some issues with the current direction of the Church) I was encouraged by the election of Pope Benedict.

I was favorably impressed that he took action against homosexuality in the priesthood and against child molesters.

Today, I fear that the Church is trying too hard to conform to the liberal trends and in doing so, giving up on being the light to the world.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Blaine »

Scott Tschirhart wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:38 am As a Catholic (though I do not regularly attend the Catholic Church these days and I have some issues with the current direction of the Church) I was encouraged by the election of Pope Benedict.

I was favorably impressed that he took action against homosexuality in the priesthood and against child molesters.

Today, I fear that the Church is trying too hard to conform to the liberal trends and in doing so, giving up on being the light to the world.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

Blaine wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:31 pm I hear a non-affiliated Baptist congregation calling for you. These independents have nothing to do with the current woke message of most churches....
I must confess that I am having a hard time with almost any organized religion these days. Having sat on the board of a number of churches over the years, I am about decided that organized religion is not for me.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Ysabel Kid »

I was - and still am - a "fan" of Pope Benedict, the "German Shepard". His successor is basically a communist, and an economic illiterate, as all leftists are. He also coddles sin too much, instead of striking hard at the blasphemous heretics infecting the Church. As a Roman Catholic, this causes me a lot of concern. As a Christian, the melt-down of many main-line churches causes me even greater concern.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Wow. I have been so impressed by Pope Francis, taking the bus after his election to pay his rent; eschewing $5,000 dollar pope shoes.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Ysabel Kid »

The current Pope takes shots at capitalism nonstop. Apparently the economic system that has raised more people out of poverty than any other is still not preferable to the system that has hurt more people than any other in history. And the blasphemous heretics I'm referring to are the priests, bishops and others who are tolerating child molesters and homosexuals, instead of actively rooting them out and kicking them out of the Church.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by wvfarrier »

I spent a good portion of my life in the Catholic church and as my faith grew and has grown, along with my Biblical studies, I have become convinced that Catholocism is not sound scriptural doctrine. This is, of course, my own opinion and I am quite convinced of it. That being said, from all I have heard, Benedict was quite the intellectual.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Jay, and all who read this thread. I apologize for my intemperate response.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Ysabel Kid »

Bill in Oregon wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:01 am Jay, and all who read this thread. I apologize for my intemperate response.
No problem! :D

Your first comment is spot on. It has always bothered me that churches (Catholic, Protestants, or any other) allow for some wasteful and extravagant spending when they could be doing more for the poor. I used to think this about even the church buildings themselves, but after visiting some of the historic cathedrals in Europe, as well as some beautiful (albeit much younger) churches here, you realize that something of beauty that endures for centuries, can showcase the multitude of craftsman who took their God-given artistry to glorify Him. But everything should be in balance.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by piller »

First, I am Protestant. Because of that, my opinion is my own. I had a good opinion of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. To me, they seemed to be men of GOD who were trying to do what was right. I do not have suvh an opinion of the current Pope, BUT I am not Catholic, and my opinion is not really pertinent here. May Pope Benedict XVI be welcomed in Heaven.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

Hey Guys, just returning here after a few day absence. I appreciate the tolerance of all involved as it is a touchy subject to be sure. I had to edit and finish my original post if only to say this and emphasize it:
The left leaning mainstream media like CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, NYTIMES, etc. have wasted no time maligning him. Some say even good riddance.

I would say to them, they know not of what they speak.

I am by definition, a Ukrainian Catholic person and have been for a few years. I mean no disrespect to my Protestant peers, and I am close friends with a German Lutheran Pastor (Missouri Synod) in Ukiah, and my best friend is his "right hand man".

Scott T. and others, I have also experienced your woes, and I never found a good home in Christianity until I found the UGCC (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) or UCC as it is called in America.

Most of my former peers are Roman Catholics who practice an Eastern (Ukrainian) rite.

I can tell you, that to the man or woman I personally know, they are also not a fan of Pope Francis, so believe me when I tell you, that Pope Francis is not well loved amongst Conservative Catholics.

But he is well loved among many, just not my conservative group alas. The Catholic Church is dying.

What I meant to exemplify was the fact that while many will insult him today, Pope Benedict was maybe the "last Catholic Pope". He withstood terrible times. He upheld traditional Catholic and early church beliefs, in a time when the Bible is some how being re-interpreted to mean something it never was.

Just look at what is happening to the United Methodist Church in America.

Pope Benedict held the line.

I'm personally grateful that he did.

Pope Francis, it is hard to know what he believes in. He narrowly avoided making married priests within the RCC. Barely. I might have even been OK with that as it has precedent within the Eastern Catholic Churches, but you cannot advance any further in rank after that. This matter is not the source of abuse within the RCC.

Pope Francis is not a supporter of the Traditional Latin Rite within the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict was a champion for it.

I could go on and on about it.

But I won't.

But I would say this, that Pope Benedict laid quite bare the reasons for sexual abuse within the RCC, and while some liberals will despise him always, he did more than
any other to "quantify" the cause of it, and tried his best to put a stop to it at his advanced age.

Lastly, I would like to leave my Brothers here (where is Grizz??) something to consider. Pope Benedict's work on the life of Jesus Christ, would not offend
any Christian here, Roman Catholic or otherwise. His books on the subject are easy to read, and he is one of the best writers of theology I have come across.

And you don't need to be Roman Catholic or Eastern Catholic or anything like that to appreciate it. I don't mean to diminish Protestants, I'm just writing to say that I don't think there was anything he ever wrote in his books about the life of Jesus that I think would alienate any Christian unless you believe in gay or transgender priests or something.

He just was not that type of person.

He was probably the last Roman Catholic Pope in my life time.

What Pope Francis believes in, and his many appointed Cardinals who elect the next Pope, remains to be seen.

But he has pretty well stacked the deck in his favor if you ask me. More progressive stuff.

I'm grateful, for whatever reason, that the woes of the RCC have not been present (at least so far) in the Eastern Catholic Churches. We have our own government and Patriarch, and the Pope only "rubber stamps" It.

For this I am grateful.

Just to bring this conversation full Circle, Pope Benedict was one of the most brilliant writers and theologians within the Roman Catholic Church, and probably all its descendants.

He does not deserve to be maligned for what he did. He pushed the hard line to defend traditional Roman Catholic beliefs. Which was the purpose of my post.

I appreciate the careful words here, I'm not maligning anyone. Just saying that Pope Benedict was a traditional Catholic, and you always new where he stood on things.

Pope Francis, not so much.

Regards Friends,

-Tutt or Andy
Last edited by CowboyTutt on Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

Bill, I don't think you have anything to apologize for.

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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

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CowboyTutt wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:46 am Bill, I don't think you have anything to apologize for.

Agreed. Simply furthering a well-thought out line of discussion.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Ysabel Kid »

CowboyTutt wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:24 am The Catholic Church is dying.
Andy -

Great follow-up post!

You are right. The Catholic Church is dying. As are many main-line Protestant churches. And the reason is that they all are hell-bent (no pun or exaggeration intended) on watering down Christianity to appease sin.

My hope is that the denominations continue to fracture into traditional/conservative ones and the "fluffy feel-good no theological soundness" ones. The latter may appeal to a larger group initially, but will eventually whither away. The former will hopefully be strengthened by the continual rejection of sin and adherence to biblical truth.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

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Francis looked sad, old and frail as he committed his friend's soul into the hands of God this morning.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Ysabel Kid »

CowboyTutt wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:24 am What I meant to exemplify was the fact that while many will insult him today, Pope Benedict was maybe the "last Catholic Pope".
So Andy, did you write this article for the Babylon Bee? :wink:
https://babylonbee.com/news/pope-franci ... holic-pope
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by AJMD429 »

piller wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:35 pm First, I am Protestant. Because of that, my opinion is my own. I had a good opinion of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. To me, they seemed to be men of GOD who were trying to do what was right. I do not have suvh an opinion of the current Pope, BUT I am not Catholic, and my opinion is not really pertinent here. May Pope Benedict XVI be welcomed in Heaven.
Pretty much my sentiments as well. I kind of felt the same way about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She had class and perspective and I think for the most part solid values, even though I view all that as an outsider versus British citizen. On the other hand the current leaders over there seem like a bunch of short-sighted socialists.

It's hard to believe that the current crop of young people who are spending their time watching tick tock videos are going to be the generation that will soon be heads of churches and heads of states.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

As my Father-in-Law says...."Its hard to be a Catholic these days." And that may have always been true.

I was born into it and knew nothing else until I was emancipated. I was never mistreated by any Priest, on the contrary. I thought all of the Priests assingned to our church did a good job and all were a pleasure to be around. My objections to Catholic doctrine are based on contradictions between the doctrine and the Bible. I understand why those contradictions exist, but I think it is wrong to teach things that directly contradict the Bible.

I will still occasionally attend a Mass, and I take communion (though I probably would not openly proclaim that I am a Travelling Man while there). No hard feelings about the Catholic Church, just a disagreement on those doctrinal points.

What I don't understand is why any of us should feel like we need to walk on eggshells when we express a thought about religion. Seems like we are trying hard not to hurt anyone's feelings and I don't see the need to be that circumspect. I'm strong enough in my faith to speak openly with someone who disagrees with me.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

Ysabel, yes, my very best friend who is a Protestant, and his father was a Protestant minister, and my best friend Tym and I were together when Pope John Paul II passed away, sent me a link to that article. I confess I read it before my posts here, and truth be told, while intended as parody, it had a lot of truth to it.

Scott T., I'm a bit confused by your post. I am probably not qualified to answer your reservations or contradictions.

I was once told, by a martial art master of ALL people, to "go to the source". If you really want to understand Christianity, I think this is the best route. But this means you have to study a lot of history and theology too.

Pope Benedict was very open to dialogue with other religions.

If I myself, of all people, have an Australian-Pakistani friend (maybe I should call him a Pakistani-Australian, I am not sure and will ask him) who is Muslim, of all things. And I could not ask for a more loving Brother anywhere! When I said we had some differences, he said, "We are pretty darn close!" And viewed historically, we do have similar historical roots.

I guess you can emphasize the differences or you can emphasize the similarities, and respectfully agree to disagree on many issues, but still be Brothers.

I think this is possible for some of us.

Good people are just good people, and most of us here know that when we find them.

Khawer is my Brother. He is a good man. He has lovely wife and kids. Our relationships are what defines us as humans, so let it be so! Its been a while since we have spoken, reaching out to him now by app.

Just wanted to say, that Pope Benedict was a truly fine man, theologian and Pope, despite what the main stream media is trying to do to dishonor him.

Regards friends,

Last edited by CowboyTutt on Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by 1894cfan »

I have NO faith or trust for ANYONE in politics or religion! And as far as I'm concerned, the catholic church is one of the biggest scam artist on this planet, especially if it's a 501c3 church! :twisted:
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

Hmm. Not sure what to think here. Sorry if you are maybe an anti-religious person. You might find a family who helps you when you are down. -Tutt
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

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Didn't say I was anti-Christian, just anti Religion!
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

CowboyTutt wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:54 pm
If I myself, of all people, have an Australian-Pakistani friend (maybe I should call him a Pakistani-Australian, I am not sure and will ask him) who is Muslim, of all things. And I could not ask for a more loving Brother anywhere! When I said we had some differences, he said, "We are pretty darn close!" And viewed historically, we do have similar historical roots.
I have nothing against Muslims and the Master of my Lodge was a Muslim for one year when I was in Waco. A better man you will not find. I have nothing against Mormons or Jewish folks, Hindus….heck one of my law partners is a Buddhist.
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Bullard4075 »

"he committed his friend's soul into the hands of God" Question here, NOT a disagreement! Isn't his soul already in the hands of God and is this not just a celebration of such?
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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by CowboyTutt »

I would say unequivocally that you are correct my friend. I can offer you no explanation here. According to recent information, Pope Benedict had been preparing for his end for some time, and more recently, his dying words were how much he loved his God, and I don't doubt it for a minute.

I'm also not looking for fights here, I only wrote what I did to celebrate the Man while many (not here) will try to disparage him. Don't believe everything you read on mainstream media, he did the very best he could to eliminate wrongdoing in the church, and he probably did more than his successor has done in fact.

God Bless the Man, his writings are epic, and well worth a look at and would not offend any "basic" Christian.

That was the only point I wanted to make.....


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Re: A Word in Favor of Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Bullard, of course you are correct, but isn't this concept at the root of most funerals?
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