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Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

Fred...thank you for your I write this there must be 836 pans of every kind in the kitchen, hung up on the walls and about half the cabinets. Mom has a fetish with cook wear like I do with guns. I mean this....seems like every week new cook wear comes to the house via Fed Ex or UPS......if one of her sisters gets new cook wear, she has to get it too.......she told me a couple of hours ago a new 16 quart stock pot for making soup...from Bed, Bath and on its way........Here's my problem with it all....she keeps it all, even the scratched up ones. I've stolen some to use in the garage or melting lead and she will know exactly which one I took...then come revenge......20 more will come to the house....

I'm not encouraging here to buy more. :D ----6
Last edited by Jay Bird on Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

I won page 35 so it looks like I can save money by not sending the box that the compressor are in. ...249
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Re: The Gun Room

Post by GunnyMack »

Huh, that's funny... It was so calm here until about 11:30 yesterday morning. Not a lick of wind for Parker to work into.

Sounds like you had a fun day! Your experience certainly helped you with the old Winchester I'm sure! Not a bad score for the conditions by any means!!

Whew I had some REALLY screwy dreams last night! At one point I woke up hyperventilating! Not a drop of booze last night, nor did I eat anything strange.

Ok it's BRCC time!
Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

Yea Gunny...your dogs want to please the master.....they ALWAYS want to hunt....

Something is in the air...I too, had weird dreams and woke up this morning in a foul mood, unlike your dogs where they just want fowl....make sense?.................For real, I woke up several times and saying, "wow! Sure glad that was a dream"". Right now I'm ready to fight....the experts call that, "getting out of the wrong side of the bed."

Maybe it's this nasty cold rainy weather....can't do anything guns to clean even the very very nasty job of taking apart the BAR as I shot a lot of cast out of it.

WTF?????? I have to proof read everything I type or this iPad decides to put in words I know nothing about. Puts in commas where they don't belong...capitalizes words that don't belong capitalized......I,am in a bad, mood..until, Later....14........0
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Re: The Gun Room

Post by Old Savage »

Sixteen quart, you tell her I have an 8 gallon stock pot. And a Kitchen Aid 5 mixer. I lent a friend some money that I was not about to get back. She had a catering business One Hot Dish that she closed so I ended up with some of the catering equipment. Congrats on page 35. ;-)
In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

EIGHT gallon stock pot!!!??? I just read your post to mom and you know what? She told me her sister has a 22 quart (5.5) so now she wants an eight gallon one like yours...THANK where in the hell am I gonna store that? Never mentioned your mixer........if she wants a biggie mixer I'll just let her use the monster 32 speed Grizzly drill press in the garage.....
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Re: The Gun Room

Post by Old Savage »

Yup, here it is. You may notice the ground hog is riding my RCBS powder measure.
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Re: The Gun Room

Post by Old Savage »

Six, good news! 😋 I just checked and that stock pot is only 6 gallons. Apparently I was thinking of that 3 quart California gallon. 😁
In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

That mixer is a BIGGIE......I see you have "Gus" in there holding the ball...."Gus" is the pretend groundhog for Pennsylvania's lottery system. Groundhogs "scratch" naturally and it's supposed to add pizazz when you buy a scratch off lottery ticket.

I used to call the shipping manager "Gus" and he never could figure out why I called him that. You see, this guy was a no good "favor the low life's" and "back stab the productive workers" type of manager and he had a serious case of psoriasis and was constantly scratching his elbows and back. His desk chair looked like it snowed on it everyday. To the guys in the warehouse he was known as "Itchy Garcia", another name I made up.

How do I keep getting off track? Is that a sign of old age or just "living in the past"?---6

Oh! Just got the message on the six gallon stock pot! That's still a biggie!
Jay Bird

Re: The Gun Room

Post by Jay Bird »

Ha! Looks like Gus is taking a "dump" in the powder reservoir.---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Everytime I see a stuffed groundhog I always think of Caddyshack!!
    Spent the day doing base moulding. Another day more of it tomorrow. The owner of the green house we did called again, it's still leaking when it rains! More caulking to come. The manufacturer, in Washington state is no help, emails, calls - they have no answers! I say the whole thing is no good from the get-go! Poorly designed...
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Well glad your working for the installer....I sure wouldn't want the headache or expense to fix a leak that is probably unfixable. Good luck! Me? I ain't working and don't make no bones about it...Johnny Rebel. :D

    I got this brainstorm tonight on a new competitive .22 rifle. The Winchester Low Wall with the long scope is cool but a pain in the butt because of the throat being pitted and unless it's cleaned every 30 rounds or so accuracy falls off as leading builds.....

    Most people who know me know I get bored easily using the same gun at every match so I got to thinking about this pre war octagon barreled model 39 Marlin that is unbelievably accurate with a tang sight so I needed to figure out a way to scope it with a high power mega scope for the matches. I dug into my box of scope stuff....all kinds of rings, mounts, rails, screws, gadgets of every kind to see what I could do and this is what I came up with......

    A 4-14 Vortex 30 mm tube scope is now professionally mounted on the model 39 for testing tomorrow......I found this weaver rail that I had to reconfigure. This baby is tight! Needed the 30mm tube to get the maximum elevation in minutes in order for shooting long range with the .22 LR.


    I filed a little cut out on the bottom of the rail along with a d & t for a rear set screw that butts up to the rear of the top of the receiver. Re drilled and counter sunk some new holes on the rail .


    Whatcha think Master Gunny?

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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Looks like a fine job! Although your cut seems a bit large I'm pretty sure that's what size file you had, so if I had to grade you on it...
    The ingenuity gets an A
    Having to d&t/relocate holes gets an A
    Since I can't tell if you 'finished' the cut out I have to give you a B ( if you can prove the cutout is finished (black ) I'll change it to an A ) :D

    I've been debating a cantilever mount for my old Lyman 54 muzzle loader for years- just to see hoe accurate it really is, never sit down and do it though.

    Buddy of mine knows a guy that is contracted with weaver to machine bases, about every 6 months he picks up a bucket full of seconds. Most of the time my buddy just scraps them- who can use that many bases?!

    Another rough night! I could not fall asleep, was after midnight when I last looked at the clock, eyes open at 4:50!
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by OldWin »

    Suppose to snow till tonight around 8. Another mess to clean up.
    I did make a bunch of 300BO brass from Lake City 5.56 last weekend. Got out with some test loads that shot really well.
    Probably the last trip into the range. After today I will be on my "winter range".
    Good job on the mount, Six. What did you use for holes to mount the base? Is it drilled and tapped?
    "Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Old Savage »

    Six, clearly you need one of the last 39s that Marlin made.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Old Savage »

    Snow here too.
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    In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Oh Lordy...snow in Southern Cal.......saw it on the news....did it snow where you live ....the Marlin is one of the last 39's to be made....late thirties....then they went to the 39-A.......have no use for any newer Marlin form the nineties on......they all seem to have ejection issues.

    Thank you Gunny..then I got an "A" as I finished it with aluminum black....yep, the cut out is exactly 1" as that's the size of the belt on my sander......was gonna file it but this is no $50,000 Westly Richards....only thing I had to do was make sure the belt sander table was 90 degrees and when I was done the micrometer showed I was only .004 off...good enough for government work. As the rail is an old one I did have to file a new slot for the scope ring thing-a-ma-jig.

    Yes, I left out pertinent info....there used to be an antique scope on this rifle....the receiver was not d&t but the barrel was....with 6/48 screw size .150 deep. I used two holes ahead of the receiver with a set screw on the back of the rail for stability that just creates tension.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Old Savage »

    Thanks for the info 6. Guess I have been lucky. No ejection issues on mine, on the Marlins I have had. The three from 79 are the smoothest.
    In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Hi Fred!....kicking back up around 9 and got me a coffee and watched "Wyatt Earp".....then at 12, "Hacksaw Ridge" came on and I'm watching it for the fourth time.....lot better on the big 65" screen.. gotta go..they are on top on the ridge shooting those slant eyed japs.....the guy with the BAR is wreaking havoc.---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Old Savage »

    Had to leave Wyatt to go to the office. He has just giving a girl some flowers. Later there us another carbon steel pan arriving. Hmmmm, how to season this one??? 🍺
    In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Fred.....I have an answer for you on seasoning the new pan.......I'm pumped watching this Hacksaw Ridge so I say you season it with napalm. Oh man! It was great watching our guys set those japs on fire....... turning them into "crispy critters". :D --6
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    I don't believe this poop......four minutes of movie......6 minutes of commercials......I'm timing this.......I'm turning liberal :D ---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    That's why when I start watching a movie I pause it and walk away for 15 minutes, that way the DVR is ready to FAST Forward through the commercials. When it catches up I pause it again and go back. DVR is the next best thing to sliced bread!

    We knocked off a little early today. Still some trim but it's going to wait until Friday, back to the greenhouse on Thursday.

    You did a great bit of fitting that base, sure hope you get it to shoot well enough to win the next small bore match!

    Parker is still carrying around the shirt I tore up bird hunting. It's funny she has learned to gather it up to carry so she doesn't trip on it. :D
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Oh man.....watching a movie by myself.........not even any levergun guys.......sitting here with my helmet on, got the BAR and the Garand ......this is great! ---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    I almost forgot! A buddy of mine shot this mangy critter this morning!
    He did it a favor! I have yet to see one here that isn't mangy.

    Oh and I dont watch tv with a gun anymore, had an AD years ago and the tv didnt survive!! Amazing what a Stinger does to a tv! :lol:
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    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Ha! You shot the TV???!! That's funny.....I shot a new '79 Ford Bronco one time.

    What the hell is that critter? Looks too fat to be a fox...coyote?

    Well.....on another note.....after the Hacksaw Ridge movie I went out and tested the model 39 with the scope. One thing for sure, a scope brings out ANY flaws and flaws it's great for a play rifle but no where near a match rifle. I like a ragged hole at 50 meters and a max of 1 and 1/2 at 100. It was anywhere from 3/4 to an inch at 50 with a flyer in every group with Green Tag...the same with Mini Mags and some standard velocity Federal.....I don't see any potential with other ammo....

    I can still use it as a play/silhouette rifle so I'll just stick some other regular scope on it.

    I wish I could figure out a way to scope this Low Wall Winder musket in the very rare long rifle round......there's no dovetail for a rear sight as that's how they were made. This rifle has seen very little use and has a perfect bright shiny 28" barrel. Ain't d&t ing this....----oh well, we are in a brand new year........soooooo many things to accomplish but not enough years left to do em all.-----6....o....da bro.

    Just brought it in from the barn where it's been for a couple of years.

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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Yup, S&W 422. Was at the range then when I got home I plunked myself on the couch and took it apart to clean. Did a full strip down on it. Had to function test it after reassembly. Darn magazine safety!! So I slammed in the mag, drew a bead on the guy on the tv and BANG! My dog looked at me with a look that said I'm NOT fetching that!

    Buddy of mine had an AD, shot a $1000 painting, another guy I know shot a window during dry fire practice.

    Yup that's a coyote, they are thick as thieves, hardly see them but if you go outside and a fire whistle goes off you can hear packs howling at the sound.
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    That hasn't got to be the nastiest mange I've ever saw and I've seen quite a bit, shooting a half dozen foxes around here. Yea, your bud did it a favor. Ive heard that some can overcome it. I watched many foxes from my spotting scope here at home just sitting and scratching. Kinda reminded me of my old boss, Dave, who had serious psoriasis. We called him "Gus" after Pennsylvania's lottery groundhog.

    Well Gunny.....where's the action? Sure ain't here........maybe it's in Iraq........I'd like to see President Trump make a parking lot out of the whole area. ......6......o.......da bro.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Griff »

    Well, I see you guys are still here yammering on about stuff. Myself, I spent the day working on stuff that I already worked on. Yesterday I drove about 520 miles to a little Chevy dealership in LA that still had a new part I wanted. Box was still taped shut, and all the goodies were inside for the "bed extender" for my p/u. Why does everything slide outta reach in a pick up? Well, not it won't. I got it installed. Thursday, I'm going to fetch a "new" bumper for the p/u to replace the one my wifed "fixed" when she backed up into the front wheel of The Rose! I'm going to drop it off at a body shop to get a couple small dents fixed in the left side of the bed where some yahoo side-swiped it. Not deep, never even noticed 'em til I was working on installing the lowering kit.

    THen welded up the broken roof bracket on the golf cart that broke Sunday evening driving back from the mailbox. When I redid the top brackets, (the first ones looked cool with the wrought iron type bends but were too "springy", I made a cut about halfway thru the 3/16" bar where I shouldn't have. Then forgot to weld it.

    Then out to the barn to cut down 3 rees that're too close. Will finish the cleanup tomorrow... or not. Still have 4 to cut down to clean up the front of the barn. Then there's the thicket of small trees in the barnyard that need to be dealt with. Those I'll probably just cut at ground level and leave the roots. Mowing will keep any saplings from gaining ground!
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    RHINO LINER! I had the bed of my 07 Ram done with Rhino and nothing moves on it, love it as its kind of gummy, my 17 Ram 1500 has Line ex coating and it's more like hard plastic- stuff slides all over!

    Well there wasn't any action here last night, I went to bed at my usual 8:30, I heard a little bit of fireworks when I walked the girls at 8 but I was out like a light and heard nothing until 5:05 this morning, thank you girls, these 3 just don't let me sleep in... 6 am- once in a while...7 am HA! Not in years.

    Well the wind is blowing pretty good, was going to do some 22 shooting today but I'm not feeling it.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Hey Six this might be just the ticket for small bore pigs & chickens! ... =101357553
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by OldWin »

    Went out to snowblow last night. Went out front to shovel the patio, hit a patch of ice under the snow and SLAM!......... went down hard. Well I let the explatives fly!
    Not sure if I hurt myself as everything already hurt anyway. Old Jay is in tough shape. :(
    Got to scrape again this morning. It always has to snow just a liiiiittttle more so's it can stick it to me.
    Ringing in the new year in a foul azzed mood.
    "Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Oh man that sucks Jay! I'm with ya, we just dont bounce like we used to. Couple weeks ago I went to vaccum Winnie, yes you read that right- she loves to be vacuumed, especially with the small upholstery beater head! Anyhow as I'm trying to get the vac plugged in she decided she couldn't wait and got the cord wrapped around us and I went down. I hit the second step and felt my back compress - I was a twisted mess !
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by OldWin »

    Oh man, Gunny! Sorry bud, but that just cheered me up!
    I can just picture that whole thing in slow motion! :D
    If you had it on video it'd gone viral. :D
    "Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    OldWin wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:57 am Went out to snowblow last night. Went out front to shovel the patio, hit a patch of ice under the snow and SLAM!......... went down hard. Well I let the explatives fly!
    Not sure if I hurt myself as everything already hurt anyway. Old Jay is in tough shape. :(
    Got to scrape again this morning. It always has to snow just a liiiiittttle more so's it can stick it to me.
    Ringing in the new year in a foul azzed mood.

    Well? If you had the dang buffalo coat on you wouldn't have felt nothing, unless of course it was still loaded up with my Colts....(take em out before you fall, don't want no scratches on em in case I get lucky enough to wind up your way one day.)

    Well...happy new year guys....!!!!.....Griff drove to LA to get parts?....and now he has more stumps to burn/pull out!.... I'll say one thing, Griff is the only one of the group who is doing anything constructive as it appears the rest of us are just passing gas...errr.....time........

    Maaaaasssssttttteeerrrr Gunny.......I like that volley gun....only issue I can see is getting it reloaded 5 times within 2.5 minutes. Probably be knocking down other people animals too. But for sure, it fits my personality as to sneakiness, cheatin', and lying.---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    I laughed after the fact too !

    That volley gun would be kind of a fun thing to take to the range, use a lot of ammo fast!

    I was looking around on guns America earlier, found a Mauser skeet gun, either Spanish or Italian made. Waiting to hear from the seller... I NEED a skeet gun :D

    And yes TOP LEVERS are still a lever gun ! :lol:

    Couple weeks ago a guy at the fly shop gave me a box of old tools. Wooden planes and bits for a brace( no not a sig brace) going out to the shop and play, see if I can tune up some of the planes and use them.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Griff »

    Gunny, already has Rino-liner in it, its the round stuff that rolls around that gives me fits! And it's either park in the driveway so it rolls back to me, but then I have to carry it farther, and ya know what? It nevers seems to roll back in a straight line... off to one side or another where it sits, just outta reach... :evil:
    And no Six, I ain't being productive, I'm just sittin' there watchin' my boy do the work. He won't do it if not supidvised, and I do that quite well. Plus, I SHOULD really be starting in organizing my records for the .gov... you know, paying my fair share. Cause label me a liberal, but I believe I should pay as much in taxes as I HAVE to... The .gov needs my $s to pay for our soldiers, sailors, and yes, even those good fer nothin' airmen! NOT ONE FRICKIN' PENNY MORE THO'! So, I guess that makes me a conservative. Yeah, I feel better now... A little concerned there for a sec on that "liberal" thing... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
    Last edited by Griff on Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Here is the collection-
    Couple beading planes
    Coffin plane
    Not sure if the iron is actually that old or not.
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    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Yea...I know I'm a bit slow but I'm confused.....Griff says things roll around in the bed of the truck? Well, if they are round they are gonna roll. Just throw a couple of dozen bricks in there.y ..that'll stop the rolling....

    Nice old tools Gunny.....collectible from what I hear.........they look about the right size to fit in a pocket so be careful if "you know who" comes for a's amazing the craftsmanship that came from the old timers with no electric planers, Home Depot sandpaper, digital micrometers, routers, etc.....but they had something we don't have...time.......and we have something they didn't have....bills

    I was productive today shooting probably three hundred rounds of various .22 ammo in my dooryard range....Tried EVERYTHING in the Marlin 39 ....Greentag, Mini Mags, Fed. Gold Metal match, Remington golden junk, Fed standard vel.

    May be good for headshots on squirrels out to 50-60 yards but it ain't no match rifle....

    Found a Ruger 10/22 takedown out in the barn that I forgot I had...camo stock with a 4x weaver....shoots great, about equal to the Marlin but like it, it ain't no match rifle plus a mushy 6.5 lb.trigger pull.

    Looks like a go with my original pick, the Winchester Low Wall. This time, while testing, I made sure the rifle was rock solid. I did this special test...I first cleaned the barrel real good with a brush, etc....then fired one brand for group...after 15 rounds or until the barrel got fouled I shot for score.......never cleaning....wanted to shoot until accuracy fell off and it never happened after 150 rounds of Green Tag......ragged hole at 50...maybe 1/2"....bit over an inch at 100 with an occasional flyer probably due to wind gusts and about 2" at 140 yards, the furthest my targets ain't Anshutz accuracy but good enough for steel animals.

    I previously thought the Mini Mags were more accurate but I was wrong......taking my time with no disturbances such as phones, people showing up unannounced, dogs barking, etc ......makes a difference....6----o da bro aka super fly.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Well that sounds promising! A good in depth test that shows what the OldWin er I mean the low wall is capable of- we already know that OldWin is a klepto 🏴☠️! ( supposed to be the jolly roger flag)

    Yes those old timers mostly made their own planes, box wood or beech was prized for it's long wearing properties. One of these planes has had a new sole screwed to it. The coffin plane has a crack in the front. They all still work !
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Well....I'll be a son of a beech! You need any? I have about 8 logs, 6 feet long and about 12-24" in diameter?

    How'd you get the skull and crossbones? That's neato.----6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Griff »

    Six, good use of the day. Myself, I fixed breakfast, sat & read a little, the played a couple of games of solitaire, went grocery shopping, and $400 later my fridge, freezer & cupboards are full of stuff I like! And, all the groceries were held in the cage like I figured they would, it did the job I bought it for. Even with the way I drive! Then it was back to easy chair for a little TV watchin'! Then it was back in the kitchen to fix hamburgers, out to the patio to fire up the grill and cook.

    After eatin', time for a nap while the TV droned on... Now I can watch what the DVR recorded and skip thru the commercials.

    Wasn't there some football game on today? Ah, who cares about a bunch of overgrown boys fighting over a odd shaped ball! :twisted: :twisted:
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    My phone Six, it has more emojis than Carter has liver pills! However on my phone it is actually the Jolly Roger and not 2 separate things.

    Well back to the Warner house- er, I mean the GREEN HOUSE today. I tell ya we have made flashings, caulked & recaulked ,each time it rains it leaks from another area. The home owner finally called the manufacturer and supposedly the company is going to refund some money. How much this thing cost I don't know, how much they are refunding I don't know but if it was me I would have bought an aluminum framed green house! This owner has a floating hotel/ fishing camp in Brazil. He gets people from all over the world to his place. Some cool pictures on the walls. He has a stuffed fish on the wall known as the vampire fish( I don't know how to spell the name) but it has fangs 4-5" long!

    A million miles away an asteroid will pass us today, be nice if it broke up and hit all the dem HQ's ! :D
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird » least we are on the same page with the asteroid smacking the Dems and taking naps and doing nothing like Griff is....I guess that's a good thing...dunno.......I'm sitting here twittering my fingers in a circle deciding what to get into....thinking stump.....naaaa........bring in firewood.......maybe........load ammo.......naaaaaa...........power wash the Kubota....naaaaa........go back to bed...yep!---6
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Well you could have been here, up & down a ladder most of the day. We removed caulk to reinstall caulk, this time being more careful to make sure it sealed the greenhouse panels.

    Haven't heard from that guy who has that Mauser shotgun... guess I'll have to send another email.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    I see Midway has 300 BO on sale, Remington.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Griff »

    GunnyMack wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:02 pmI see Midway has 300 BO on sale, Remington.
    Fat lot of good that does me... I don't have a 300BO. :P
    SASS/CMSA #93
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    There is a fine line between hobby & obsession!
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    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Caulk and 300 B.O.? thanks, I already ate. ...besides, I'm driving.

    With 75 pounds of .223 I have potential for lots of B.O.....commercial R-P on left and Lake City on right.

    Hey,,,,where's Jay? Oh Jjjaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy! Where is you?????

    Remember back when Pitchy would post and sometimes he'd be missing for a while? We were worried that he got his tongue stuck on the John Deere in all that cold they get up there. Maybe Jay got his tongue stuck on his snowblower.

    I'm bored.....had a fire on the stump I never finished by the driveway. The stump is gone but a root is (no exaggeration) 18" wide and deep ...sticks 8" above the level of the ground......tractor won't even budge it. I started the fire with dry wood and progressed to Locust that has lots of heat......probably 2 wheelbarrow loads......will see in the a.m.

    I'm bored...did I tell ya that? Think I'll head down Targetmaster for a 5,000 rd case of Green Tag.....-----6

    Beings Griff has 3 AR Blackouts, (one full auto and two suppressed) I feel as though I should send him some...

    Last edited by Jay Bird on Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by GunnyMack »

    Sorry Griff, I dont have a 300 BO either.

    I just pulled the trigger on that Mauser Obendorf skeet gun with sub gauge tubes! $1500.
    Jay Bird

    Re: The Gun Room

    Post by Jay Bird »

    Gunny...did you get the Mauser?