I didn't want to pick on anyone [

Here's my question(s):Heck, I don't trust them between the beginning and end of a session... I'll stop and weigh powder charges several times during a session...
1. Other than a mechanical part literally wiggling loose and turning itself through vibration or whatever (which I know could happen), has anyone ever had a significant change in powder grains thrown during a reloading session...?
Don't get me wrong, I do the same thing, but more to re-check myself ('Did I really set the darned thing right when I started the session') than the machine. I have NEVER had a setting get out-of-kilter during a session, so even just doing that 'double-check' at the end of the session doesn't seem too risky for having to pull bullets and re-reload them.
2. If a volumetric measurement like that DID start to throw different grain-weights during a session, due to the humidity or phase of the moon or whatever factors could make the same can of powder, in the same exact volume, weigh differently - what difference would it make...?
First off, I'd think the amount would be so minuscule that it should be nowhere near the amount needed to push a given load into the 'danger' zone (if the load is that 'touchy', I don't want to use it). Secondly, if the same volume is being loaded, does that extra 'moisture' (or lack of), or whatever else it is that makes 1.32 cc's of Powderco's #1234 powder weigh 12.3 grains today when it weighed 12.4 grains last month, really cause any change in pressure - AND if it does, can we even predict in what direction...? We could be 'compensating' in the wrong direction, in theory...!
So, leaving aside the "is something going to come loose and mess things up" factor, it boils down to:
- a) what makes powder weigh differently this month vs. last month, and
b) what effect does that have on the pressure-per-grain thrown, and
c) should we 'compensate' by adjusting the weight of the charge, or the volume...?
Anyway, other than being sure
- a) I didn't screw up and do the 3.41 instead of 3.14 thing, and
b) some screw didn't come loose during my reloading session,
...other than soothe my obsessive-compulsive disorder...