Arguing with Hoplophobes is like whack-a-mole...

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Arguing with Hoplophobes is like whack-a-mole...

Post by AJMD429 »


These two ladies were unusually polite, and actually didn't do the usual character attack, and seemed to be able to follow a logical argument (neither of which characterizes the typical liberal of today), but they BOTH kept trying to argument-hop.

As soon as you are driving the last nail in the argument to refute whatever the current piece of the argument is, instead of closing that argument (thus acknowledging defeat), they slip into another side-argument tangentially. Classic anti-gun tactic; in fact I think it is so ingrained in their ADD-like brains, that it isn't really even a 'tactic' so much as a mental habit.

The reason I posted this link is to show how Colion Noir so MASTERFULLY returns them to the original topic, then after closing that one down, returns back to their side-argument and deals with that one.
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