jeepnik wrote: ↑Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:10 pm
Don’t know about where you live but here the live aboards are usually very protective of their neighbors boats.
yeah. I know. In spite of that, I know two people whose boats were stolen, and the owners were murdered and thrown overboard. fishermen in Alaska are live-aboards during fishing seasons, there are thousands of boats and people moving about the eastern gulf of alaska. well, tens of thousands more likely, yet a boat can sink within a mile of other boats, and the crew disappears after calling for help, and no trace is ever found. this in the best of times when the grid is up, even in secret cove, and all the radios and comm towers are up and running.... LOTS of live aboard experienced boaters have flat out disappeared off the face of the earth in my time line. . . . , without a trace. people I knew..., this isn't the scenario I'm talking about.
I'm talking about grid down > all normal electricity stops in every city on the continent, that's the scenario. many of the live-aboards you are thinking of are dependent on shore-power to run heat and cooling and cooking and entertainment, and to stay afloat. what happens when that suddenly instantly stops due to a massive EMP event?
I lived off-grid for 300+ days every year, but I was still dependent on an electricity-dependent infrastructure. You know, hoists for delivering product, connection to banks, ability to refuel, ability to re-ice the fish hold... what if all that stuff goes away? My thought experiment is about the what-ifs after the grid goes away . . . after the last generator runs out of fuel... after the last gas can runs dry...
regards, grizz