Hunting GPS Chips
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- Senior Levergunner
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- Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:14 pm
- Location: Billings, Montana
Hunting GPS Chips
Anyone with experience with these? Years past I have been buying a a Hunting GPS brand chip for Montana and Alaska to work in my Garmin 76csx. For various reasons it has been two years since I last bought one. I just recently found out that Garmin will not support the HuntingGPS brand. Apparently Garmin will only accept their Garmin Hunt View Plus chip. An 2024 HuntingGPS is "Not Avaliable". So presently my Garmin 76csx handheld (autully a marine unit) is worthless to me unless I use the last 2 year old Montana Hunting GPS chip. I guess my question is anyone use the Garmin Hunt View Plus Chip? Any problems?
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Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper