Respect for our elders and our history

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Respect for our elders and our history

Post by AJMD429 »


I was taking an evening walk after doing the day's chores, with the odd combination we see so often today of modern technology yet potentially a deep appreciation for history.

I was listening to this song as I took in the sunset
It occurred to me how so many of today's "progressive" liberal Democrats are so obsessed over materialism and preening and virtue signaling, and whatever else they can do to use lies and cheating and stealing and violence to gain an advantage over their fellow humans, that it is really sad. Yet so many of them are so un-self-aware that they would claim to be 'advocates for the environment' and 'advocates for peace and justice'. You can't even share such a moment like this with them, because they have to politicize it and somehow say it's bad because of global warming or climate change or orange-man-bad... :roll:

I guess there have always been clueless and selfish and ignorant people in the world, who are more interested in materialism and hating anyone 'different' - all while claiming to be 'inclusive' or 'tolerant' or somehow morally or intellectually superior ( :lol: :roll: :lol: :roll: ) to those of different melanin content or religion or upbringing. Enough so they justify everything from political cronyism to outright despotism and everything in between. These are today's 'progressives' who pee on anything positive the JFK Democrat era had to offer, and flaunt ignorance of the very things they demand to control. They have zero understanding of history, economics, epidemiology, firearms, or anything else they arrogantly want to dictate.

So many of these fellow citizens have thrived in the environment the United States has uniquely created, with equality under the law, and a fundamental Bill of Rights establishing the individual as sovereign and in control of their government, unlike anything history has ever produced before. Yet these same people are tearing down the most fundamental principles of civilization and freedom and humanity, because it is more important to them to virtue signal and get the government to do whatever is necessary to get them an advantage, somehow disguised as 'helping the downtrodden'... :roll: :roll: :roll: The disguise is so thin that a third grader could see through it.

Thankfully I can still walk down to the river bottom to enjoy the sunset and the beauty of Venus and sandbar tracks of next-year's venison can put it in perspective.
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Re: Respect for our elders and our history

Post by gamekeeper »

One thing that disappoints me about the younger more " aware " folks is their " keep fit " regimes of jogging and cycling which takes them through beautiful country but they don't seem to notice...the technology they carry takes precedence over the natural world.
Where I live we get groups of ramblers (usually oldies) walking through the property, you can hear them before you see them, completely oblivious to their surroundings and the wildlife they have scared away and these are the people opposed to hunting... :roll:
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Re: Respect for our elders and our history

Post by 2ndovc »

It is unfortunate that many of those a decade or two younger than we are, have no idea what's going on beyond their tablet or phone screen. Most are more than willing to accept anything that they read, regardless of the source. The stupidity rages on tv and the internet. So much of the Socialist, Hollywood, Elitist garbage is sown into the movies and tv that we watch. How many people under the age of 40 ( former military not included) that could go into the deep woods for 48 hrs and not only be perfectly fine with it, but enjoy it as well? I can think of one, maybe two.

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Re: Respect for our elders and our history

Post by earlmck »

Yeah, from what I see on the news it looks like the younger generations have really declined in "world awareness". But the younger ones I know (gkids, ggkids, neighbors) are a whole lot different from the ones who get on the news. Except for some (hopefully temporary) fondness for black and plastic in the firearm field they would fit in pretty well with our group. So if we can survive the present occupant of the Whitehouse who is of our generation, maybe the country can come back at least part way.
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