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Post by Paco »

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Post by Old Savage »

At a certain point 60 - 80 million gun owners will likely express their displeasure in various ways the controllers may not like.
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Post by Mike D. »

These panic buyers obviously don't live where votes count. The dense urban population is where the "Xs" actually determine the outcome of an "election". Them, and the folks who encourage and represent their misguided "ideals".
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Post by CowboyTutt »

Paco, I have heard that once all the semi-auto rifles and handguns sold out that guns continued to sell at record numbers, many to first time buyers. The number of background checks to the federal government skyrocketed and even hit some new record highs. This is all good news. More than ever before, the American public have voted their opinion on firearms and their ownership by purchasing them! I suspect that this will send a message to Obama that is too serious to ignore: that Americans want to have their firearms and woe the politician who takes them away or who infringes on their ownership!

I am filled with hope despite the "fear mongering" that things will be OK IF we are diligent and fight for our rights. We are only in this predictament because the Republican Party became too arrogant for its own good.

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Post by Ysabel Kid »

CowboyTutt wrote:We are only in this predictament because the Republican Party became too arrogant for its own good.

+1 Tutt - well said!

I fear though that very few of these new buyers would be willing to stand up for their newly-discovered (to them) Second Amendment rights. First, a good number are probably Obama voters and Democrats who knew he and his adminstration would ban guns - and just figured they'd get one themselves before he took office. Typical leftist thinking - rules apply to everyone but them.

Worse, of the 60 - 80 million gun owners in this country, only 4 million care enough to join the NRA. Of those, I'd bet half are either family members or friends joined by an active member, or do so to meet the requirements of their gun club, range, or hunting grounds. I hope many more become active and engaged, but I fear they will do so too late to help and only after our rights get trampled further... :(
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Post by O.S.O.K. »

This has and is happening all over the country - anywhere that there people with money to spend and stores to buy from. It's happening on the internet and at gunshows - where the really 'stupid' activitiy is ocuring - people paying $1800 for $800 AR-15's, $500 for $250 cases of ammo, etc. I read a post on another board about this going on in the Chicago suburbs for example.

Yes, a lot of first time buyers who know nothing about the firearms but also people buying for "investements".

Interestingly and frustratingly, many reports from gun shows include the prevalence of obama stickers on cars on the lots at the shows... what the heck are these idiots thinking? I have no clue what kind of people these are - totally alien to me.

I think it is a good sign though that people are buying and buying hard, and it also makes anybody with a gun collection happy because their "stock" is rising by the day. Eventually, when people can't get an evil black rifle of some kind, they will turn to leverguns, bolt actions, etc. and the prices of those will go up too. If you need money, it's nice to know that you've got a pretty liquid asset to turn to...

I've been monitoring this since day one and discussing it - I really don't see any let-up in this heading forward. Many people have made comments about "waiting until the panic is over and then buying". I tell them to look for decent deals and buy now if you want it or expect not to get what you want or pay through the nose. The reason is that this is a much larger and more pervasive event than the last time the AWB was passed and people are more educated as to the results and the internet has increased response time. Further, when manufacturers are backorderd 6 months and more, then you know that supply will be short for some time and that means a continual rise in prices until the point is reached that buyers won't pay. That point has not been reached yet - demand continues....

The deals are out there - I just orderd a $100 stag AR lower from Weaponeer.net = a group buy. Forum members qualify and quantities are limited. A guy on another board clued me in to this - so if you are diligent and persistant, you can find good deals. Del-ton is still selling their complete rifle kits for $469 (everything but the stripped lower) so you can see that I've basically got a complete, quality AR at under $600. Was that a panic buy? Well, I sure won't pay $1800 for the same thing on gunbroker, but yes, I bought this because of the current situation whereas I wouldn't had McCain won the election.

I bought an M1 carbine too right after the election. That was something I'd been wanting to do for some time anyway - but I must admit, the situation did spur me on with that too - so maybe that was a qualified panic buy. :) Same for the mags and loading components (couldn't find any decent, decently priced loaded ammo).

Other than that, I have purchased some loading components as those are being hit hard too - prices have gone up some but not crazy like the EBR's... but availability is poor for a lot of stuff. More panic buying? OK, I'll admit it- yes.

But I have to say that my panic buying is at normal prices - I simply won't pay the inflated amounts. No need to.

As to the "gun owners" responding to govt. abuse - I think we are really talking about maybe 5 million people and they will be spurred to action depending on several things: 1) the level of discomfort they are experiencing 2) the level of govt. resistence expected or exhibited (this is why "examples" are made and publicized) and 3) the "trend" of other affected citizens - if people are demonstrating and there are "successfull" resistance events, then this could feed on itself.

That's my 2.
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Post by Ysabel Kid »

You have to have a big pair to be willing to drive a car or truck with an Obama sticker to a gun show parking lot! That, or be dense as rock. Probably the latter - after all, look who they voted for! :evil:
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Post by bogus bill »

I was going to post similar to yasabel kid. Hopefully I see the same possibility. First most of us already have had basicly what we need long ago. These new buyers should be a lot of new younger people. Maybe there is hope from that standpoint and obamas gun views now hit home and backfire for him. I am not buying anything new in this climate or going to compete at scalper prices.
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Post by JerryB »

I really do not think that we can even think of just four years of what we are in for. I don't think the republican party can make enough changes in four years to come back to where they need to be.
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Post by El Mac »

CowboyTutt wrote: We are only in this predictament because the Republican Party became too arrogant for its own good.

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Post by AJMD429 »

JerryB wrote:I really do not think that we can even think of just four years of what we are in for. I don't think the republican party can make enough changes in four years to come back to where they need to be.
Nope. They can't decide whether to spend all their energy on the 'drug war,' or on proving how 'compassionately' they can spend our money. Republican = Democrat-Lite.

The 'mainstream news media' we all criticize and claim not to be influenced by has decreed that the Libertarian party will never get anywhere, and despite all our claims, we evidently believe exactly whatever they tell us, so it becomes a self-fullfilling prophecy. It has remained the only party to offer a consistent platform, adherent to fundamental principles, and within the proper Constitutional limits, for the past several decades. The others hide their which-way-the-wind-blows platforms behind smoke and mirrors, and adhere to no principle other than 'do or say anything it takes to WIN.'

So we unenthusiastically turn out and vote for the lesser of two evils, who sometimes gets elected, but never change our socialist direction. Then after the defeats, we express a desire for the Republicans to 'change' - why would they change when they have about half the political power in this country without doing anything besides Democrat-Lite?

Fundamental change...? Yep - they will 'change' things about as much as Obama - to them, 'change' means just pressing a little harder on the gas pedal on the way to Socialism, USA. Most of the Republican leadership is quite sure all they have to do to win next time is get a few more writers to get them some 'sound-bytes' to say to college kids, promise some more pork to the right key industries, some more welfare to the poor, and some extra priveleges to some key minorities.

Sadly, they are quite right.

[/gloom off]
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Post by winchester1886 »

As an outsider looking in it seems to me that to most of you fellows on here to a big degree, the election revolved around your second amendment rights, but there were many more issues in electing a new president then just gun rights, the economy, jobs and the war and the way the war is sucking billions of dollars out of the economy every week it really is simple FOOD ON THE TABLE to most people.
The problems of the day are blamed on the government of the day, and Obama promised new hope, we all know there will be lots of dissolutioned people when he doesn't deliver, but the Dems convinced them he was the answer to there prayers, I am quite sure that had they have nominated Donald Duck or Micky Mouse or told the masses that they had reincarnated Maraiyn Monroe and to vote for her they would have.
If there are 80 million gun owners in America then there are 220 plus million non gun owners in America, now allowing for children, non gun owners would still out number gun owners by two to one, and I am quite sure when people went to vote in any big city in America gun laws would have been the last thing on there minds, or actually not on there minds at all, the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE.
Also you fellows have come down pretty hard on the fellow from Cooper Arms for supporting Obama, now to own a company like that the man must be fairly intelligent, and would know what the repercussions would be in the gun industry for doing that, now to me the man has put what he believes to be the best interests of his country ahead of his own personnel gain and you can't get anymore patriotic then that, we may not agree with what he said or did but we must defend to the death his right to say it, if we don't then we are all wasting our time.
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Post by steveb »

Ysabel Kid wrote:You have to have a big pair to be willing to drive a car or truck with an Obama sticker to a gun show parking lot! That, or be dense as rock. Probably the latter - after all, look who they voted for! :evil:
O.S.O.K. wrote:Interestingly and frustratingly, many reports from gun shows include the prevalence of obama stickers on cars on the lots at the shows... what the heck are these idiots thinking? I have no clue what kind of people these are - totally alien to me.
Now hold on just a minute here! I happen to have an Obama sticker on my car and I'm right proud to have it on there!! I've got many compliments on my Obama sticker so far and sure I'll get some more at the next gunshow. I have folks asking me all the time were can they get one.Its foul mouthed as hell and not appropriate to post on this board or I'd post it. I dont think my liberal neibors like it much though. :mrgreen: though:mrgreen: :wink: :mrgreen:
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Post by AJMD429 »

winchester1886 wrote:...we may not agree with what he said or did but we must defend to the death his right to say it, if we don't then we are all wasting our time.
Yep - I DO defend his right to say it, or anything else he wants. I just won't buy his products. If the impact is so severe (and I doubt it will be) that his employees have to go find new jobs, that is a matter between those employees and him, but I'll not further his business, which essentially is giving him money to donate to a political cause I feel is dangerous and destructive to our liberty.

The HS-Precision advertisement featuring an endorsement by Lon Horiuchi has also created quite a stir, for similar reasons...
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Post by JustaJeepGuy »

winchester1886 wrote:...the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE.
Personally, I don't want to be a single-issue voter, but when the issue is as important as fundamental rights recognized by (what's SUPPOSED to be) the limiting document(s) of the government, I will be as single-minded as one can be. Living on your knees isn't living.
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Post by Ysabel Kid »

JustaJeepGuy wrote:
winchester1886 wrote:...the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE.
Personally, I don't want to be a single-issue voter, but when the issue is as important as fundamental rights recognized by (what's SUPPOSED to be) the limiting document(s) of the government, I will be as single-minded as one can be. Living on your knees isn't living.
+1 Lots of things are critically important to me politically, but far above all the rest is the Second Amendment. Basic prioritization - without the 2A and our gun rights, all the other rights are there just as long as the government finds them safe for the peons to still retain. The Second Amendment is the teeth behind everything else we hold dear - without it, we are defenseless - and hopeless... :(


Post by Idahoser »

JustaJeepGuy wrote: Living on your knees isn't living.
How do you explain that to someone who's already on their knees? The whole idea of 'freedom' is foreign to many in this country. Public education and welfare have done too good a job.
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Post by El Mac »

winchester1886 wrote:the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE..

Its not the government's job to put food on the table. Never has been and if we submit to that, then we deserve what we get.

winchester1886 wrote:Also you fellows have come down pretty hard on the fellow from Cooper Arms for supporting Obama, now to own a company like that the man must be fairly intelligent...

No, actually he is not too intelligent. Or at least, not the way I quantify it. But he does have the right to say what he wants and give money to the candidate he supports. And we have the right to let him know via our bucks that he can suck eggs for his support. Thats capitalism at its finest.
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Post by steveb »

Idahoser wrote:
JustaJeepGuy wrote: Living on your knees isn't living.
How do you explain that to someone who's already on their knees? The whole idea of 'freedom' is foreign to many in this country. Public education and welfare have done too good a job.
I'm surrounded by folks who are living on thier knees and feel that food on the table is more important that their 2nd ammendment rights. Wish I was better at explaining my postition on the matter I am as I would try to talk some sense into these folks.......I guess my %$@$ OBAMA sticker didnt go over too well in the neigborhood as it was peeled off the car last night. I've already ordered another to replace it. Darn liberals.
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Post by Rimfire McNutjob »

I got all of my panic buying done back in the Summer of '94 ... I'm all panic'd out.
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Post by Ridgerunner »

Disclaimer: nary a cuss word nor advocation of violence, Administrators....

If at all possible, boycott any business or individual who is anti-gun. Tolerance is what got us in this mess to start with. When God was "expelled" from our schools, and I was in elementary school when it happened, the decline started. Then, dumbing down the cirricula so that little Johnny, LeVon, Juan and Abdulla wouldn't feel bad about themselves greased the skids. Now, Moslems can pray and bray to their hearts' contents, but don't wish anyone a "Merry Christmas" or be labeled a racist, Bible-thumper, etc., etc., etc. I bear no one ill over their choice of religion, but DO NOT censure me for the exercise of mine. Don't forget, Klinton had a Secretary of Education that wanted pre-teens taught how to masturbate, and the Anti-Chist is pulling many of those hacks into his "kingdom".

Change my rectal orifice.....

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Post by AJMD429 »

Ridgerunner wrote: Change my rectal orifice.....
As a physician, I'd have to advise you it's better to keep the original one... :wink: :lol:

I agree on not dealing with anti-gun individuals. It goes beyond "politics" - if they are that stupid, or that uncaring about our nation's stability or the safety of our streets, are they really the kind of person you'd WANT to do business with...?
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Post by 44LVR »

Old Savage wrote:At a certain point 60 - 80 million gun owners will likely express their displeasure in various ways the controllers may not like.
I could NOT DISAGREE more. Out of 80 million owners, 76 to 78 million will roll over like a log in a river.

And that knowledge makes me sick to my stomach.

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Post by tarkio »

JustaJeepGuy wrote:
winchester1886 wrote:...the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE.
Personally, I don't want to be a single-issue voter, but when the issue is as important as fundamental rights recognized by (what's SUPPOSED to be) the limiting document(s) of the government, I will be as single-minded as one can be. Living on your knees isn't living.
There is a negative connotation to being a single issue voter and I understand that. However, in this case, the single issue to me was the entire constitution.

Obama has made it very clear how he feels about out 2nd amendment rights and his actions and the actions of his people have also shown us what he/they think of our right to freedom of association, freedom of expression and the press among others scares the stuff out of me. This man has ZERO respect for that document and correspondingly for those who drafted it, voted it into existence, those who died to allow the aforementioned that ability and those who have died since, defending it.

So, go ahead and call me a SINGLE ISSUE VOTER. I am absolutely proud as heck to be that when that single issue is the Constitution.
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Post by Idahoser »

44LVR wrote:
Old Savage wrote:At a certain point 60 - 80 million gun owners will likely express their displeasure in various ways the controllers may not like.
I could NOT DISAGREE more. Out of 80 million owners, 76 to 78 million will roll over like a log in a river.

And that knowledge makes me sick to my stomach.

I think enough would come around if it was simply possible to get them to realize what's going on. I always have to remind myself that it was a long time before I myself would acknowledge how bad things were, and are, and will be. It's just not human nature, apparently, to accept doom and gloom and they simply want it all to go away. They will actively fight you when you try to explain how they're part of the problem, but if you manage to get their attention, they're not all apathetic.

But it's a lifetime chore to get most of them aware, one at a time. Against the machine, it's not going to be possible.
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Post by O.S.O.K. »

I got skeered last week and bought one of these - should be at the shop today!

Standard 2nd generation Glock 17 $389 shipped with two 17 round mags. Has night sights (that need to be recharged) - police trade in, so likely carried a lot and shot little - all the other pti's that I've purchased were like that - almost pristine on the inside with definate wear on the outside.

You might want to get skeered and buy something more too - check out my post on Michael Bane's blog - "Storm warning!!!..."

And I'm just hoping my AR lowers get to me before any of this passes.

Man, I can't believe we're seeing this %&*# again. :x
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Post by Tennessee Hayre »

I think in the days ahead we will see lots of folks try and justify why they voted for the commy.To make themselfs feel normal. Cause you see you can't put the bullet back in once it been fired. I don't mean that as a neg statement for those on this board just gun owning OB supporters in general. It brings to mind the movie RAMBO I. (Who in gods name would make a man like Obama.( Nancy and Harry says) God didnt make him we did. :lol:
Last edited by Tennessee Hayre on Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hobie »

I'm always surprised (even though I shouldn't be) at the number of Obama bumper stickers in front of gun shops...


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Post by AJMD429 »

Idahoser wrote: I think enough would come around if it was simply possible to get them to realize what's going on.
The problem is that our "mainstream media" doesn't grasp the 'technical' aspects of proposed laws, and the laws are always an 'emergency' so passage is rushed, and even when WE try to educate the public via the mainstream media, an increasing number will not print anything too 'conservative' and especially anything remotely 'pro-gun.'

Add to that that the 'conservative' news media is STILL run by 'journalists' (mostly clueless excuses for humans), albeit journalists who may be Christian, the just don't get the concept that the Second Amendment is actually important, and that compromising on it leads to tyranny and genocide so often that GENOCIDE causes more deaths PER DAY than the whole Iraq war has, or than criminals and accidents and suicides combined do each day.

If the 'conservative media' won't even rile up their audiences about it, who will...?
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Post by jackburton »

winchester1886 wrote:As an outsider looking in it seems to me that to most of you fellows on here to a big degree, the election revolved around your second amendment rights, but there were many more issues in electing a new president then just gun rights, the economy, jobs and the war and the way the war is sucking billions of dollars out of the economy every week it really is simple FOOD ON THE TABLE to most people.
The problems of the day are blamed on the government of the day, and Obama promised new hope, we all know there will be lots of dissolutioned people when he doesn't deliver, but the Dems convinced them he was the answer to there prayers, I am quite sure that had they have nominated Donald Duck or Micky Mouse or told the masses that they had reincarnated Maraiyn Monroe and to vote for her they would have.
If there are 80 million gun owners in America then there are 220 plus million non gun owners in America, now allowing for children, non gun owners would still out number gun owners by two to one, and I am quite sure when people went to vote in any big city in America gun laws would have been the last thing on there minds, or actually not on there minds at all, the number one thing on there minds like I said would be there pocket = FOOD ON THE TABLE.
Also you fellows have come down pretty hard on the fellow from Cooper Arms for supporting Obama, now to own a company like that the man must be fairly intelligent, and would know what the repercussions would be in the gun industry for doing that, now to me the man has put what he believes to be the best interests of his country ahead of his own personnel gain and you can't get anymore patriotic then that, we may not agree with what he said or did but we must defend to the death his right to say it, if we don't then we are all wasting our time.
First of all, this guy is from Australia where they gave up rugged individualism and adherence to a free man's right years ago. This is also the country that gave up its gun rights to its fear-mongers and demogogues. Before you get uptight about what he said, consider the source.
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Post by David »

O.S.O.K. wrote:I got skeered last week and bought one of these - should be at the shop today!

Standard 2nd generation Glock 17 $389 shipped with two 17 round mags. Has night sights (that need to be recharged) - police trade in, so likely carried a lot and shot little - all the other pti's that I've purchased were like that - almost pristine on the inside with definate wear on the outside.

You might want to get skeered and buy something more too - check out my post on Michael Bane's blog - "Storm warning!!!..."

And I'm just hoping my AR lowers get to me before any of this passes.

Man, I can't believe we're seeing this %&*# again. :x
Last time I saw one of these it was in a cornershot, I'm a sig man myself....

I've never heard of night sights being recharged I thought they all were trition (i.e. radiative isotope) doesn't recharging mean throwing them away and getting new ones? The half-life on trition is 12 years so they must be quite old.
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Post by redhawk »

I emailed Cooper Firearms when I received the word about the CEO supporting Obama. Received a very nice reply that his support of Obama was not shared by the vast majority of people at Cooper. He was asked by the board of trustees or shareholders (memory slips) for his resignation and has resigned. Quite obviously Cooper was receiving lots of flack over this.
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Post by JustaJeepGuy »

But does he still own stock and thus still make money from Cooper Firearms? If so, I wouldn't buy anything from them--if I had the money in the first place. I refused to buy anything from Wendy's hamburger joint after I learned that James A. Rhodes, former governor of Ohio, was a major shareholder in Wendy's. I wouldn't give him a penny. He finally died and I can go back there now.
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Post by O.S.O.K. »

DavidFagan wrote:
O.S.O.K. wrote:I got skeered last week and bought one of these - should be at the shop today!

Standard 2nd generation Glock 17 $389 shipped with two 17 round mags. Has night sights (that need to be recharged) - police trade in, so likely carried a lot and shot little - all the other pti's that I've purchased were like that - almost pristine on the inside with definate wear on the outside.

You might want to get skeered and buy something more too - check out my post on Michael Bane's blog - "Storm warning!!!..."

And I'm just hoping my AR lowers get to me before any of this passes.

Man, I can't believe we're seeing this %&*# again. :x
Last time I saw one of these it was in a cornershot, I'm a sig man myself....

I've never heard of night sights being recharged I thought they all were trition (i.e. radiative isotope) doesn't recharging mean throwing them away and getting new ones? The half-life on trition is 12 years so they must be quite old.
Well, the sights still glow at night. I know this because I looked down at them at night in my hotel room in New Orleans last week - this is now my car/road gun. I've had this to the range and it shoots like a Glock - the sights were dead on too.

From what I understand, you can have the tritium ampules replaced in these - for less than getting new sights. But I'm fine with them as-is.
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Post by major »

Here in TN purchasing a firearm or ammo in the past 3 months under obamanation, has been a task to find little of anything, stores that normally carry 700 to 800 guns on-hand have less then 100 at best :( forget trying to buy common ammo like 22lr everywhere has been sold out for weeks. It is a sad day when large states popullated with more animal rights ativists then outdoors, have more weight in our freedoms then we the outdoorsman.

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Post by claybob86 »

Hobie wrote:I'm always surprised (even though I shouldn't be) at the number of Obama bumper stickers in front of gun shops...
I can't believe that people show up at my Catholic Church with those stickers. These are some seriously ignorant and/or confused people! :roll:
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Post by Ysabel Kid »

claybob86 wrote:
Hobie wrote:I'm always surprised (even though I shouldn't be) at the number of Obama bumper stickers in front of gun shops...
I can't believe that people show up at my Catholic Church with those stickers. These are some seriously ignorant and/or confused people! :roll:

I am always stunned to see anyone sporting a Obama/Biden bumper sticker in the Church parking lot. Even worse, I saw someone with a "Pro-Choice Catholics" bumper sticker.

There is NO SUCH THING as a "pro-choice" Catholic. Geez, next they'll have "Jesus wasn't the Son of God Catholics" and other such nonsense! :evil: :roll:
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Post by PaulB »

Paco, there was no way to "vote correctly" in this election. It was like going car shopping, and having a choice only between a Yugo and a Trabant.

Hate to break the news to you guys, but there are a fair number of liberals who are gunnies. Anyway, liberals are not the enemy. Statists are. Hell, I don't even mind communists (aka communalists), as long as they aren't statists - by that I mean, as long as they don't want to force their ways on me.

Let's not sneer too much at the newbies going crazy in the gun stores. Sheesh, what a weird thing to complain about. I say, welcome to them, congratulations on taking responsibility for their defense and their family's defense. And thanks for sending a hell of a message back to Mordor on the Potomac!
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Post by claybob86 »

Paul, the people that these people vote for DO want to force their ways on you. People that live one way and vote another are either hypocrites or idiots. Or both? :roll:

And McCain isn't exactly ideal, either, but there IS a major difference in background and philosophy between him and the thing that got elected.
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Post by JustaJeepGuy »

A communist who doesn't want to force you to live his way isn't an actual communist. It's just not possible, as the very definition of "communist" involves forcing others to live the desired way.
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Post by greasy dan »

Went to the "loop hole" gun show today. I went only because I have been trying to buy some ammo from my usual sources, and seems they have all but dried up. Everything online (including cowboy ammo) is marked "sold out". Well, I found where all the ammo is... with the gun show vendors. They seem to have plenty, and most of it at least 50% over what I am accustomed to paying.
I picked up some 223-5.56 for "the boy"... his birthday is coming up soon.
So, what seems to be the hot ticket at the show this weekend..?? Quite a few people are carrying in older bolt rifles, a few shotguns, and a few older levers. Those who can buy seem to be carrying out EBRs, new handguns, and lots of ammo. The tables with the EBRs and new handguns had the most traffic and crowds, and I'm talking lots of people. I noticed lots of newbies... people purchasing a handgun for the first time, ever. I say More Power to them. As the Deputy Sheriff said to me a few years back when I purchased my first "pistol permit"... he said "go home and arm thyself". Yep, he said that.
The law-abiding public seems to be arming themselves at an ever increasing rate, and I hope it continues. I just wish the ammo manufacturers and wholesalers could keep up with demand. Those who can afford to, are preparing... and circling the wagons.
The one thing I saw absent from the show, was any real presence of the NRA. They are missing a grand opportunity by NOT setting up a booth to attract and educate the "newbies" and their families. The JPFO and GOA would be smart to do the same. And one good thing I saw... quite a few parents brought their Elementary aged kids. Hurray.!!
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Post by JustaJeepGuy »

greasy dan wrote:As the Deputy Sheriff said to me a few years back when I purchased my first "pistol permit"... he said "go home and arm thyself". Yep, he said that.
:D :D Not enough of that kind of lawman around.
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Post by PaulB »

Paul, the people that these people vote for DO want to force their ways on you.
Well, that's just generalizing. The exact same thing could be said of conservatives and Bush.

The thing is, there are people who don't want to force their ways on others. Such people don't vote in elections, because elections are all about - how did Lenin put it - "politics is about who does what to whom". Such people might be conservative, or liberal, or even communist. As long as they don't vote, they do no harm to me. (An example of a communist who does no harm, are the kind of folk who live in communes - as long as they don't vote. They don't bother me.)

Then there are people who do vote. They do harm to me, through the people they elected. Whether it is Obama or Bush, the harm is done. You might make the point that Obama does more harm of the kind you dislike than Bush does, but that is your opinion, taking into account the things you care about. Other people have other priorities. I have other priorities. I think Bush was an unmitigated disaster, and Obama will have to work pretty hard to get that bad. No one knows how bad Obama will get, and no one knows how bad McCain would have got, but it's a pretty fair bet either of them would be bad. There was no "correct" way to vote.

If you only look at the gun issue, yeah, I'll admit McCain was probably better than Obama (although not way better - see the GOA ratings). But at the same time, McCain would put gun owners to sleep just as Bush did, while Obama would energize them - which cancels out some of McCain's advantage on the gun issue. There would be no "fear purchasing" if McCain was president. I'm glad people are out there buying piles of guns and ammo.
It's just not possible, as the very definition of "communist" involves forcing others to live the desired way.
Yeah, now that I look up the definition, I see I probably picked the wrong word. I meant someone who just wants to live in a commune.
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Post by JustaJeepGuy »

"Yeah, now that I look up the definition, I see I probably picked the wrong word. I meant someone who just wants to live in a commune."

I think that would be a "communard", but I could be wrong.
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Post by rhead »

There are a lot of issues and things that I am willing to fight to defend. I would prefer to not fight bare handed.
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Post by Hobie »

Greasy Dan,

Around here there is little to NO ammo at the gun shows. Where there used to be 2-3 ammo-only vendors there are now none. Where there were 1-2 component vendors, there are none.


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Post by AJMD429 »

The one thing I saw absent from the show, was any real presence of the NRA. They are missing a grand opportunity by NOT setting up a booth to attract and educate the "newbies" and their families. The JPFO and GOA would be smart to do the same. And one good thing I saw... quite a few parents brought their Elementary aged kids. Hurray.!!
I don't know - they might sign up a few members, and get a bit of 'dues' money, but seems like most gun owners aren't very interested in being politically active. Even gun shop owners are that way; I mailed out a bunch of stuff they could use and of the shops I've visited (7, now, out of maybe 100 I mailed packets to), only ONE had any of the information posted, and that one I know the owner personally.

I'll bet if you just went down a list of CCW holders (and the newspapers seem obsessed with printing them) and did a survey, 90% of them wouldn't even know who their legislators were, and 99% would not have ever written a letter to their legislator or a newspaper. They'll 'stockpile' guns allright, but their political apathy does nothing but increase the odds they'll actually have to use them. I think some of it is the economy is so messed up that most folks work 60 hours a week and are just too TIRED to do anything else.
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Post by greasy dan »

Around here there is little to NO ammo at the gun shows. Where there used to be 2-3 ammo-only vendors there are now none. Where there were 1-2 component vendors, there are none.

These are the guys that run our show in Hickory.
Are they the same group up your way..?? If not, maybe you can pay them a visit close to your place. Usually the same vendors visit each time the show takes place.
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Post by PaulB »

If you look at this video, and at the comments below, it doesn't look like "fear" purchasing. Warning: rock and roll. :D

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Post by Hobie »

greasy dan wrote:quote:
Around here there is little to NO ammo at the gun shows. Where there used to be 2-3 ammo-only vendors there are now none. Where there were 1-2 component vendors, there are none.

These are the guys that run our show in Hickory.
Are they the same group up your way..?? If not, maybe you can pay them a visit close to your place. Usually the same vendors visit each time the show takes place.
Yes, CE and Showmasters are now doing the shows up here. Terry McFarland of Dominion so alienated people he couldn't put on a decent show and all the dealers flocked to the CE/Showmasters people. Still, it is a regional thing. They do shows in PA and MD and I understand there are some different dealers.


"We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best that we find in our travels is an honest friend." Robert Louis Stevenson
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