Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should h

Post by Ray »

Last edited by Ray on Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should h

Post by Griff »

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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should h

Post by RustyJr »

I am an active LEO and from what you are describing as to the behavior of the officers/deputies I would not deem it appropriate. Guessing it may have been a group of rookies that wanted to through their weight around. In regards to the citation, I would research it before you attempt to fight it. In my state/jurisdiction the State Statute is listed on the citation. Look it up and honestly think about you actions that night intentional or not and see if your actions fit the "elements" of the statute. If not then it may be worth it to "fight" it. If your actions do fit the "elements" you may be best to let it lay. If they do not "fit" and you wish to fight it then take the print out of the statute with you and explain it to the judge. That being said most judges in my area only allow the "violator" to ask yes or no questions to the officer when it comes to traffic court.


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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by AJMD429 »

This story reminded me of my own episode a few years ago. At least the incompetent deputy didn’t shoot me with my 1911, although he was waving it around and could’ve shot any number of other officers or myself.

Hopefully ending this DEI nonsense will help some….
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by TraderVic »

I'd take the ticket to court and speak my piece to everyone (respectfully of course), but I'd lay out how poorly you were treated considering you live right there.
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

1. Make a public information act request for the reports on the incident and also ask for the dash cam and body cam video. You want that video as it will show more than you think.

2. Once you have the information, and you are satisfied that it was properly recorded, ask the Sheriff and Chief Deputy to have a cup of coffee. Don’t make a formal complaint, but discuss this as if you want to make things better.

At least that’s what I would do. I’ll bet you get an apology.
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by Rimfire McNutjob »

Your experience back then I believe is why police are far less highly regarded today than they once were. If they keep going in that direction, there will be a reckoning. What they once got away with are behaviors that are no longer acceptable ... especially with all of the cameras around today recording everything. The fact that they have body cameras on today but still act as they did without them is going to be their undoing if they don't change. Again, not all but far too many still.

I hope soon that civil asset forfeiture and qualified immunity are eliminated. How is it that for me "ignorance of the law is no excuse" but for police ignorance of constitutional rights is excused through "qualified immunity".
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by marlinman93 »

Not sure any suggestions we make today about a 2015 incident would be taken up by the offending agency? First thing they'd say is why did you wait nearly a decade to file a complaint?
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by Ray Newman »

Do believe MarlinMan is onto it!
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Re: Cop complaint update - I didn't complain; maybe should have

Post by Bill in Oregon »

That was uncalled-for treatment all right, doc. Those bozos should be required to watch a season's worth of On Patrol Live for examples of how to interact with the public -- with cameras rolling.
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