Getting old hurts.

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Getting old hurts.

Post by Bullard4075 »

Turned 70 last December. The old body sorta woke up and said "Ok now this is what we are going to do". Didn't ask, just did it. Turns out it doesn't like mornings even after 8 hours of slumber with periods of clock watching. About 3:30am seems to have a certain fascination for it. Hitting the floor of the morning brings a thrill -actually a scream- to the balls of my feet ,just the balls while my heels fairly giggle of the contrast. My hands haven't relaxed yet and are cupped to play handball.
I don't play handball.
My hands seem be be the worst. I've taken to washing the dishes like the good husband I am. The hot water allows my hand and fingers to loosen enough to open jars (only a little gasp) and fingers to hold my coffee cup. Whatever this is laughs at Ibuprofen or acetaminophen. By bedtime I'm feeling the best of the day. Some days are so much better than others, the good days sometimes leading me to laugh at the body thinking it is over. All this just came on the last couple weeks. No I haven't been to the doctor yet as I hesitate from my lack of trust of same. My diabetes experience leading to my distrust. That's another topic. DuckDuckGo searches just seem to add confusion. Anyone have experience I can relate to? If this is 70 someone please clue me in on 80. I marvel at the wisdom on this forum. Vent over.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by jeepnik »

Just from a comparison with what I have experienced, I say get the to a doctor. It is reminiscent of my experience with diabetic neuropathy. Bad juju if left unattended.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by gcs »

Could be PMR, a type of arthritis, bad fatigue?, I was diagnosed with it, but the rheummie wasn't really sure, but the treatment was the same for a bunch of arthritis's , steroids

A different 'gist claimed I have rheumatoid arthritis, whatever it is you'll have joint pain, and fatigue ..

The pain in your feet is a new one to me, could also be the neuropathy, like said, from your diabetes....might as well get to a doctor.

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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Sorry Bullard. Not the same symptoms, but a quantum increase in physical dysfunction. I'll be 72 in March, if ...
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by 765x53 »

All of the above happened to me this fall, within days of taking my flu shot that was designated for people over 65. I think they want to get rid of us.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by LeverGunner »

I'm 41, and I'm already hurting, though not nearly as bad.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by jeepnik »

It ain't the years it's the mileage. But when both accumulate, along with injuries of our youth, sometimes getting up in the morning hurts.

But as the old saying goes " if you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, you're dead ".
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Old No7 »

Getting old hurts.

Rumor has it, it still beats the alternatives...

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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by AJMD429 »

The other problem is arthritis.

When you’re young, the phrase “morning stiffness” sounds like a pleasant thing, but not when you’re old… it starts to affect the wrong body parts:lol:
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by rossim92 »

get checked for lyme disease
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by ywaltzucanrknrl »

Good luck with it Bullard! I think winter brings on some pain and it's headed for cold temps this weekend for you and I.

Seems like my friends who have had inflammation related diseases have had a very hard time getting a diagnosis. Several have been through multiple specialists and treatments with no success and the next specialist saying the previous diagnosis was incorrect.

On the other hand two of my friends have had success with anti-inflammatory diets, PT related exercises and yoga.

I've had bad foot, hand and joint pain since my first regimen of chemo when I was 44. I'm not quite your age, but likely close enough for combat when it comes to disease related mileage plus age. I've never been offered a solution I like from a Dr., so I stick with exercise, a good diet and hope. I find walking or hiking to the point I get good circulation helps and I really like standing around the wood burning cook stove and cooking a meal or just relaxing.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by COSteve »

Ya ain't seen nothin yet!!

When I was 70 I had the usual aches and pains earned from living as well as the pain from my injuries in the Army. I pretty much ignored them as I'd been putting up with the pain since I was injured at 21. Now that I've turned 77, I'm definitely on a downward slide physically. Not a rapid downturn but every year it gets just a bit harder to do what I use to not even think about.

A friend and I were talking about 3 weeks ago about the physical decline and he was complaining about changing the tires on his Tacoma TRD. For the longest time we'd just pick up the tire and place it on the lugs using only our arms but the last time he tried it he had to sit on the floor and also use his legs to jack it into place. I told him the last time I changed the tires on my Tahoe I need a jack to jack up the tire to slide it on the lugs.

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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Grizz »

COSteve wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:13 pm Ya ain't seen nothin yet!!

When I was 70 I had the usual aches and pains earned from living as well as the pain from my injuries in the Army. I pretty much ignored them as I'd been putting up with the pain since I was injured at 21. Now that I've turned 77, I'm definitely on a downward slide physically. Not a rapid downturn but every year it gets just a bit harder to do what I use to not even think about.

A friend and I were talking about 3 weeks ago about the physical decline and he was complaining about changing the tires on his Tacoma TRD. For the longest time we'd just pick up the tire and place it on the lugs using only our arms but the last time he tried it he had to sit on the floor and also use his legs to jack it into place. I told him the last time I changed the tires on my Tahoe I need a jack to jack up the tire to slide it on the lugs.

Gettin old isn't for the faint of heart, that's for darn sure!!
.I'm right there too. it's crazy. i put a piece of wood under the tire and roll it up to the lugs. UGH !

Right over on the other hand, the 2X4 makes me younger, i can still heft [!?!] those wheels. I can push it around in the parking lot if i want to move it a couple of feet. At this rate i might be wrenching on Tonka toys in the foreseeable future. Argh !!

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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by AJMD429 »

Peter Attia has some good 'healthy aging' podcasts on his 'The Drive' podcast series.

One key is the three points of Resistance exercise (not just 'cardio'), Adequate protein intake (3/4 your body weight in pounds, in grams per day - 200 lb dude 150 grams protein daily - NOT if you have kidney disease, gout, or other medical stuff though), and Maintain free-Testosterone levels (not 'total', and make sure the estrogens - at least estrone and estradiol - are not elevated). SAME three things for women, only the testosterone levels normal for a female are less (even though for a young healthy woman her testosterone level is actually higher than her estrogen level most of the time).

Some folks definitely respond to an 'antiinflammatory diet' (there are several versions), and some to METHYLfolate and METHYLcobalamin supplementation. A fair number with specific inflammatory conditions report responses to 'low-dose naltrexone' (about 1/50th the analgesic dose). And guess what (of course :roll: ) - I've had many patients tell me that good old 'horse paste' helps (which I suppose could be possible if dosed safely).

There is a LOT we just don't know.

One thing for sure though - as soon as you 'give up' and quit moving, whatever you quit moving will rust-up and seize-up and you'll be even more limited. So some (most) days, you just have to grit your gums (or teeth, if you have some left), and get out of bed, out of the chair, up on your feet, and DO stuff... It hurts for the first while, but eventually the pain either subsides, or whatever body part it was that hurts goes numb and doesn't bother you as much. Hopefully the numb part isn't something you need to navigate though - or you'll fall down, and break something..... then it REALLY gets bad.

Speaking of that, although men don't get it as much as women, we DO get soft bones if we live long enough, so get your vitamin D level CHECKED (don't just assume taking some will be enough), and get good calcium and magnesium and probably (check with YOUR doctor) vitamin K.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Bullard4075 »

Update: Thanks to everyone who responded. Today was much better lthough I'm not sure why. I have a doctor appointment on Friday where most likely I will ask for a "full panel" ( I think it's called) of blood work. Wife mentioned gout so last night I started taking Tart Cherry pills. Maybe that's what helped. But I've had gout before and this is different than the burning/pain in the toe joints like before. I have good feeling,warmth, etc in my feet and toes so I am not terribly worried about the diabetes angle. Regardless, listening to the wife and taking the pills couldn't hurt. I am leaning a bit more to the inflammation idea. Again thanks to all. Updates to come.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Gunstore Commando »

A couple of things we haven't talked much about yet -- mobility and balance.

I've seen a fair number of guys (*) who managed to retain a surprising level of strength and and muscularity well into their 80's or even 90's. You know what they didn't have? Mobility and balance. It doesn't really matter who much you might be able to "bench" or how big your biceps are if you can't get up off the floor by yourself if you fall down.

Yoga is probably, for most of us, the most accessible way to get started on this.

It might also be worth considering some sort of practice involving learning to fall and getting back up. Aikido comes to mind...

(*) Sexism intentional -- I haven't observed this phenomena in females.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Griff »

30 years ago, climbing in and out of my trailer was no big deal. Even with no cartilage in my right knee, I'd just jump down. Now, at 74, I sit on the floor and find the bumper with my feet and make sure to step off so my left foot hits the ground first. A friend who's 77 is delivering White Flyer targets all over the TX, OK, AR, KS & CO areas, even trips up to SD. Sure he tries to make sure he has a battery powered pallet jack, as he has to move them back to the tail of the trailer. I'm sure he's in better shape than I am. This load of furniture I'm on is usually the hardest stuff for me... those big electric reclining couches folks seem to be so fond of... are the worst, at nearly 300 lbs each they go beyond my capacity. But, you know the worst thing... knowing that just a few short, (50) years ago, I still wore a 32 waist pant, 36" inseam... and today, they're 38 x 34! yet my legs can't have shrunk... as it's harder to get my leg up to put 'em on!

But, as I told my Dad all the time... sure beats the alternative!
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by .45colt »

Years ago Jack LaLanne was on TV and said "A really Good exercise is get on the Floor and get Up again" ..... :lol: . Boy was He right.! I just came back from My Dentist, I broke another tooth yesterday and She had to numb Me up three times to repair it. :shock: . I better pay more attention when I eat ,getting old is rough on My teeth.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Ysabel Kid »

I see people my age climbing mountains, and I feel good just getting my leg through my underwear without falling on my face...
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by piller »

I feel pretty good about waking up every morning. Having been declared dead once, no life signs for 2 hours and 3 times of a defibrilator trying to jump start me, then somehow just starting again on my own while at room temperature 2 hours later makes each day good. The Lazarus Club is not a club I wanted to join, but I am a member. Don't worry. It could be worse.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Drawdown »

Yeah, but I can honestly say not anywhere near as painful as it was getting here, I spent 40 years underground mining, and just to briefly explain? Crawled for a number years in 35-38" coal, and once you really get used to it, you learn it's in many ways not as hard on you as the vast majority of my years in 42"-54" coal height! In this height, you spend all your time duck walking, and it'll break you down in hips & back! Most always mud & water, and being 6'3", worser than most those average height guys! Spent about 12 years in the paradise of 6.5'-8' height, a gift of God cause I'm getting to old for the little stuff! Most my latter years, 7'- 12' but even up to 18'! Sound better, well you'd have to experience it, but really Big Coal=Big Problems!
All these years was some 8-8.5 hours a day, but 85% where 10-14 hour days, but 11.5-12 hours the average!
And 38 of these years, at the face where mining is being done, and it is most always hard to sometimes brutal work!
And I have been electrocuted, and yes blown & covered up! Couple these, absolutely survived by Grace of God! Broken neck, plus a good list other bones, Lotta blood shed and I mean literally!
Not be dramatic I'm being honest, it well known and shared with others!
Out all this, the most amazing to me, and well known, I ran a Continuous Mining Machine 32 years, more than anybody else I know, the dustiest noisiest job there is, plus the stats long said that aprox 75% or more of injuries or death occur within 25ft of that machine, and I spent 32 years running one!
Since retirement, every Dr & Lawyer can't believe I'm still climbing mountains and hunting much less living a life apart from full time oxygen! I sleep with it, Dr Orders, but when up, I'm usually still active!
When I got my neck broke, a Coal Bump which is a coal explosion from the weight of couple thousands feet of mountain laying on coal, it just burst. And this one demolished all the pillars of remaining blocks of coal, aprox size area larger than a football field. It killed 2 my buddies with me, measuring 2.7 on Richter scale as far away as Australia.
But in all this I'm not being dramatic or anything else! I'm witnessing to the truth I know and learned well?
Praise God fir His Grace cause no matter what we claim to have done, or accomplish. It's only by his good grace we'll draw our next breath!
And I give Him Thanks and Praise him for having saved me thru all this, saved my soul to eternal life, and I give All Glory To Him, for its all by him and for him that we're here!
And now, what pain I suffer I do so, as thankfully as I can, I still fail, but He's never failed me!!!
God is good and always righteous in what he determines for us to suffer!
Because no one man ever suffered more than His Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And whatever I do, as long as I keep him with me, it's good, He enjoys it right with me!
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Steve in MO »

My check engine light came on at 50 and that sucker has been steady blinking ever since. Some mornings my wife and I will look at each other and wonder, "Where did that scratch come from? Why does my______hurt today?" Exercise mitigates some of it, but sometimes we just have to push through some of the pain. Like my mother used to say, "Getting old isn't for sissies!"
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Grizz »

Drawdown wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:12 am Yeah, but I can honestly say not anywhere near as painful as it was getting here, I spent 40 years underground mining, and just to briefly explain? Crawled for a number years in 35-38" coal, and once you really get used to it, you learn it's in many ways not as hard on you as the vast majority of my years in 42"-54" coal height! In this height, you spend all your time duck walking, and it'll break you down in hips & back! Most always mud & water, and being 6'3", worser than most those average height guys! Spent about 12 years in the paradise of 6.5'-8' height, a gift of God cause I'm getting to old for the little stuff! Most my latter years, 7'- 12' but even up to 18'! Sound better, well you'd have to experience it, but really Big Coal=Big Problems!
All these years was some 8-8.5 hours a day, but 85% where 10-14 hour days, but 11.5-12 hours the average!
And 38 of these years, at the face where mining is being done, and it is most always hard to sometimes brutal work!
And I have been electrocuted, and yes blown & covered up! Couple these, absolutely survived by Grace of God! Broken neck, plus a good list other bones, Lotta blood shed and I mean literally!
Not be dramatic I'm being honest, it well known and shared with others!
Out all this, the most amazing to me, and well known, I ran a Continuous Mining Machine 32 years, more than anybody else I know, the dustiest noisiest job there is, plus the stats long said that aprox 75% or more of injuries or death occur within 25ft of that machine, and I spent 32 years running one!
Since retirement, every Dr & Lawyer can't believe I'm still climbing mountains and hunting much less living a life apart from full time oxygen! I sleep with it, Dr Orders, but when up, I'm usually still active!
When I got my neck broke, a Coal Bump which is a coal explosion from the weight of couple thousands feet of mountain laying on coal, it just burst. And this one demolished all the pillars of remaining blocks of coal, aprox size area larger than a football field. It killed 2 my buddies with me, measuring 2.7 on Richter scale as far away as Australia.
But in all this I'm not being dramatic or anything else! I'm witnessing to the truth I know and learned well?
Praise God fir His Grace cause no matter what we claim to have done, or accomplish. It's only by his good grace we'll draw our next breath!
And I give Him Thanks and Praise him for having saved me thru all this, saved my soul to eternal life, and I give All Glory To Him, for its all by him and for him that we're here!
And now, what pain I suffer I do so, as thankfully as I can, I still fail, but He's never failed me!!!
God is good and always righteous in what he determines for us to suffer!
Because no one man ever suffered more than His Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And whatever I do, as long as I keep him with me, it's good, He enjoys it right with me!
So stay in life, fight to live it, but never doubt, "it is by him and for him that we have our being!"
Good words Drawdown, thanks.
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by piller »

Thos week was stroke number 71 for me. The Covid shot has done more damage to me than everything else combined
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Grizz »

piller wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:31 pm Thos week was stroke number 71 for me. The Covid shot has done more damage to me than everything else combined
Prayers UP ! so sri for this suffering, hope for full total healing †
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Drawdown »

I've heard some bad effects from that vaccine, but Lord yes, I'm praying for you a recovery and past all that! Shame!
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by Bill in Oregon »

So sorry Brian! :(
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Re: Getting old hurts.

Post by marlinman93 »

As my dad told me when he was about 80 years old and had a mild heart attack. Sitting in his hospital bed he looked at me and said, "This getting old ain't for sissies."
At the time I chuckled and thought it was funny, but I'm going on 75 now and in the last 5 years have had several issues, and several surgeries too. Now getting old isn't as funny as it was when he mentioned it long ago!
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